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    Thursday, April 8

    Nothing (Or No One) to Blame But Me

    I do not like it when I don’t put my thoughts down on paper or, in this case, typed away in my blog. I know deep inside me that there is a need for me to write and to produce more content for my blog, but life, oftentimes, gets in the way. I want to blame my business at work and other racketeering activities. There are also those challenges life throws in my way. It seems easier to point a finger at things than to actually pinpoint the problem. The problem, I hate to admit it though, was me. I have nothing to blame for my absence in the web but myself.

    Once I read that the key to get things going is to inspire yourself. To do just that, I’m going to live life headstrong, and to write it gracefully as though the readers are reliving it themselves.