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    Tuesday, March 16

    Life Moves Fast. Don’t Miss a Thing.

    Mobile phones are a huge deal here in the office so imagine the stares I got when I got my new phone. In all honesty, I lusted for the Pre first before I even got this iPhone. After getting the latter, I now know why some people gripe about the lack of multitasking feature. The push feature doesn't really cut it. (And, please, Apple, let me delete a single missed call entry. It's so basic I know you can implement it on your next update.)

    Although I'm somewhat happy with the features of my iPhone, I'm still rooting for the GSM version of the Pre Plus. Not because I'm a Palm baby or anything, I just think that their synergy feature is really great and I really miss having a physical keypad on a phone. I really can't wait to snag one when it's available in the kingdom. I know it'll be huge here even without the Arabic support.

    I like Palm's newest ad below because it isn't about their phone at all; it's more about their platform.

    The copy, too, is inspiring in some ways, don't you think?