High school was, undeniably, the peak time of puberty for most individuals. I somehow contributed to the propagation of eroticism within the classroom by supplementing classmates with reads that can put up tents on their pants or can send them gushing while blushing over the detailed explanation. Sex education in a Catholic academic institution is sort of a blasphemy. I personally think we need sex education, and I think we got it through some smut. And, it was a group effort (and triumph) to not have the materials confiscated by the nuns.
I wasn't interested in the content of the stories (okay, half-interested) but I admit that I've always wanted to be a writer of erotic stories, the ones that are so vulgar you'd immediately have a heart attack by reading a paragraph or two. I like their descriptive style, which I think is lacking with my style then. It just wasn't that flower-y (*chuckles*). I seriously thought being an erotic writer was a good gig during high school (up until now) so I can practice the art of elaborating feeligns and moments, but I couldn't just find the right words to show the promiscuousness that lingers at the tip of my tongue.
And the article below makes me want to say, "There goes my secret dream job."
Why it's so hard to put sex in the dictionary by Jesse Sheidlower in Slate Magazine
These days, most dictionaries have broadened their treatment of sexual intercourse. They acknowledge that while the term usually refers to the penetration of the penis into the vagina, it can also be used to describe other genital contact, using expressions like "genital contact," "penetration," and the like to allow for the possibility of acts such as anal sex. But even these definitions are restricted, which is appropriate; oral sex, or masturbation, wouldn't normally be considered "sexual intercourse." The problem arises when these same dictionaries then define the word fuck (and other sexual terms) in relation to "sexual intercourse," because the word fuck is itself much broader than even these broadened definitions.
Sunday, October 18