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    Saturday, October 3

    Make Reading More Comfortable

    The Thumbthing and Bookmark II are two cleverly designed book accessories for bookworms at heart.

    Personally, I think having these items will help me expedite my goal of reducing my reading list. I still have many books to go through, and I just have to kick my habit of buying books whenever I'm in a bookstore and to read super faster (I kinda am a slow reader because I want to make namnam of the pages) if I ever want to reach that goal.

    Thumbthing allows book lovers to do one-hand reading. (Imagine the possibilities!) It's basically a thumb ring with two wings on both sides that hold the pages open when placed on the spine of the book. It comes in different sizes (and colors too) so I'm sure I'm going to get a fit for my overly large thumb.

    What I like the most about this invention is that it reduces the pain on the wrist and most especially the thumb when reading in one-hand aside from preventing the spine of the book from being broken.

    Did I mention that Thumbthing also serves as a bookmark? You can just place it on the topside of the spine for easy bookmarking reference.

    Speaking of bookmarks, Bookmark II is a colorful rubber band (love the color orange!) from the folks of Propaganda, who brought kawaii products like Mr. P and the previously mentioned StapMan, the Pac Man-like stapler.

    It has this stubby indicator arrow that points you to the last line you were reading and a "bookmark" tab to open that helps you open the part of the book you last visited. I'm not sure though if the pages might tear up whenever you "suit" this rubber band on and off the book, but I hope it doesn't.
