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    Saturday, September 26

    Politeness means Bowing and Shrinking

    Friends are constantly complaining (over the social networks) about the nonstop rain back home which caused a lot of flooding almost everywhere. I actually miss having raindrops fall on my head and, gasp, the smell of the earth after the rain. The rain is a gift, y'all; learn to appreciate it. (Wait, did I just say y'all?)

    If I was there right now, I'll be sporting this Polite Umbrella by JooYoun Paek, a New York-based Korean interaction designer.

    The umbrella morphs to reduce occupied space and to increase user maneuverability. Users of this shrinkable umbrella can easily adjust them anytime by pulling a handle so that they can protect themselves from harsh winds or bumping into others. It bows and shrinks, y'all! (Did I just say y'all again?)

    Definitely a recommended buy for those who do not wish the evils brought by those pesky poking ends of an umbrella on a rainy day.