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    Sunday, August 2

    World Map Made of Stamps

    Marc Alcock's Stamp Map: After finding a collection of world stamps on Ebay for a fiver, A map of the world was created where each country is represented by its own native stamp.

    This stamp map reminded me that I was a budding philatelist during my elementary days, until I discovered my knack of being diligent at my studies.

    I remember my nanay cutting out the stamps from the postcards and letters my tatay sent us. She taught me to gingerly brush some water on the back of the stamp to help loosen the fibers of the paper of the envelope/postcard so I can take it off easily without harming the stamp.

    Afterwards, my mom and I will carefully place it on an empty page of a photo book--the ones with the sticky plastic covering on its individual pages.

    I think that photo book is somewhere in the living room between the storage spaces for the betamax and cassette tapes.