Disney's The Little Mermaid is a huge part of my childhood. It was the only animated movie that I watch over and over because it was the only child-safe Betamax tape that I can borrow from my neighbor.
I didn't care if VHS was all the rage then. My own little world consists of the television in the master's bedroom, the Betamax tape player, and The Little Mermaid tape. I always locked the door when I watch the tape because I did not like the idea of someone coming inside when I'm in the middle of the songs. You can say it was like watching porn. Heck! Disney is porn for children.
Due to the self-inflicted conditioning to anything "Ariel" back then, Part of Your World was (and still is) the bestest song Alan Menken and Howard Ashman has ever done in my opinion. Singing it in the male voice, on the other hand, would probably be a violation for me.
But, it was kinda nicely done, Gabe Bondoc.